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5 Common Myths About Thermal Underwear You Probably Believe

5 Common Myths About Thermal Underwear

While most of ATV / UTV riders and people in general know thermal underwear is a must have, most of us also don’t really understand how it works. This post will help you make the most of your thermal clothing.

5 Common Myths About Thermal Underwear

Myth #1. Thermal Underwear is for Heating.

See, we’ve just blown your mind right away. It’s an extremely common mistake to think that the main function of the clothing with this name is to protect you against the cold. Not exactly. Actually we need thermals in all seasons, but not for what people claim.

The thermal underwear (your base layer) is not meant to make you warm. Its primary task is to remove moisture (your sweat) from the body and transport it outward, keeping you dry. In strong winds and low temperatures, anything that keeps you dry will make you feel warmer. Yet, in hot weather it will potentially help you feel more comfortable.

5 Common Myths About Thermal Underwear

Myth #2. Thermal Underwear is Only for Athletes and Pro Riders.

There is some overlap between thermal clothing, base layers, and training apparel, which can give people the idea that only athletes need these things. That’s not true at all.

Every rider, and every person, needs thermal underwear to keep themselves comfortable and dry in various weather conditions. ATV mudding, trail riding, hiking, running, cycling, working outdoors, and playing in the snow all require thermal underwear.

The truth is that your outdoor outerwear is not a solo player, whatever you do. If you want your membrane riding gear to work as well as it should and feel dry and warm all day long, you should wear thermal underwear. It transfers the moisture from the body to the “breathable” membrane and then to the outside. Otherwise the sweat still linger near the body and the benefits of your membrane gear decrease significantly.

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5 Common Myths About Thermal Underwear

Myth #3. Wool, Cotton and Other Natural Fibers are Better Than Synthetic.

We’ve all heard that natural fibers are better at thermal regulation than synthetic. Let’s discuss the truth about different fabric options.

Cotton is horrible as a base layer. It will absorb the sweat, but it dries very slowly, so your skin isn’t protected.

Wool is better than cotton because it doesn’t dry as slowly and the naturally anti-bacterial properties keep it from smelling. That means it’s a better idea in a pinch than cotton but still not something you want to rely on when you really need to be dry.

Polyester absorbs sweat and dries quickly, making it a great base layer. It is frequently used for thermal underwear and athletic apparel.

5 Common Myths About Thermal Underwear

Myth #4. Synthetic Fibers Cause Skin Problems.

Many people avoid synthetic fabrics because they have heard that skin can’t breathe well enough in them and this moisture/lack of air flow combo can cause rashes or other skin problems.

Synthetic fibers are much more advanced than they used to be and modern synthetics and semi-synthetics like those used in athletic thermal underwear and gear are strategically designed to help the skin breathe, keeping moisture that can cause skin problems from the skin.

Myth #5. Thermal Underwear is Very Costly.

Finntrail long thermal underwear designed specifically for ATV-riders costs $69-$79 for an entire set and you can choose from sets for cold weather and all weather.

5 Common Myths About Thermal Underwear


Your base layer keeps you dry, which helps you manage your temperature better. Staying dry is beneficial for staying comfortable and dry in all temperatures from cold to hot, but you should find the right temperature range in your thermal layer. Modern synthetic fabrics are designed to keep you dry and protect your skin, and when you buy quality thermal underwear, you’ll be able to wear it for a long time.

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*All photos are obtained from the manufacturer’s web resources.


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