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Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic test: Revolutionary electric quad

Essai du Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate

A few weeks ago, I attended the Festival Quad Matapédien held on the trails of the Club VTT de la Matapédia. Like many ATV enthusiasts, I participate in this event every year. However, for the 2024 edition, I had the chance to test the Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate. This was my first time driving a fully electric ATV in “real-use conditions.” In this article, I’ll share my impressions from this unique experience and highlight the types of users for whom this vehicle could be a top choice.

For those who follow our articles, I’d like to remind you that I briefly tested the 2023 model during a visit to Polaris two years ago. Click here to read my article and learn more about its features and my impressions at the time.

The Ranger XP Kinetic on Quebec Trails

Before the start of the festival, I reviewed the specifications and range of the Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate. This model boasts a theoretical autonomy of 128 km (80 miles), while other versions of this electric ATV offer a range of 64 km (40 miles). I want to point out that these figures come from the manufacturer, and in real life, one must expect a shorter range. As such, I needed to adjust my route, as both of the festival’s guided trails cover more than 140 km.

Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate - Review

Electric ATV Means Planning

While planning a ride is usually easy, it’s essential to be more meticulous with a fully electric ATV. As a precaution, I carried a small generator in the cargo space. This was part of the guidelines I set for my test of the Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate. Additionally, I adjusted my itinerary to ensure I had enough range to return to my starting point while maximizing my participation in the event.

To recharge the batteries, I used the charger that comes with the vehicle on the 120-volt setting. It’s also possible to connect to a 220-volt outlet, which doubles the charging speed. However, I didn’t have access to such an outlet over the weekend, so I had to do without.

Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate - Review
Polaris 110/220 volts charger

In the following lines, I’ll share my observations about the vehicle’s performance and then provide my conclusions.

My Impressions of the Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate


The first thing that struck me about the engine of this electric ATV was how different it felt. When pressing the ignition button, nothing happens except for the screens lighting up. You could easily leave the Ranger XP Kinetic running without realizing it. The magic happens when you press the accelerator— the ATV moves… without a sound. I have to admit, it took my brain some time to accept this new reality.

The Kinetic engine offers three power levels: ECO, NORMAL, and SPORT. As expected, each mode behaves differently when pressing the accelerator.

Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate - Review
Display with mode indicator

ECO Mode

In ECO mode, everything happens smoothly. Accelerations are gentle and gradual, and the vehicle’s top speed is 65 km/h. This mode, of course, provides better range but offers less power. You’ll notice it when negotiating steep inclines. This mode is perfect for quiet rides or if you want to maximize the distance you can cover.


NORMAL mode makes things more interesting. You can better feel the potential of electric propulsion. However, during the festival, I mainly used this mode for climbing steeper trails. Otherwise, I consistently returned to ECO mode.


Of course, I tried the SPORTS mode! I have to admit you need to hold on tight, especially if you’re starting from a complete stop on a hard surface. Pressing the accelerator to the floor gives a strong burst of acceleration. Everything was instantaneous! The throttle response was so quick, I felt like the engine was directly connected to my brain. Even though I only drove the Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate in SPORTS mode for a few minutes, the experience left a lasting impression. Wow!

Driving Experience

Otherwise, the driving experience of the Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate is very similar to that of its gasoline-powered counterpart. There’s no noticeable change in vehicle dynamics. The weight distribution is well balanced, making the Kinetic highly predictable.

Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate - Review

An Electric ATV for Hunting Enthusiasts

Those who use a utility side-by-side for hunting will appreciate the silent propulsion. I could literally hear the sound of pebbles under the tires. I even startled a few partridges on several occasions during my two days driving this electric ATV. They didn’t hear me coming… allowing me to get closer easily. For small game hunters or those heading to their hunting blinds, the Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate is ideal. In addition to its silence, this vehicle emits no gasoline smell that might scare off the game.

Range and Charging Options: Nothing Is Perfect

Of course, the Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate is not the right vehicle for all ATV enthusiasts. The first consideration is its range, which is crucial. Driving conservatively on the trails of the Matapedia Valley, I observed a real autonomy of 100 km at most.

The included charger can be handy, but the charging time is too long to realistically recharge the battery and continue the day. When plugged into a 120-volt outlet, the recharge rate is about 3.5% per hour. If you have access to a 220-volt outlet, the rate improves to 7% per hour.

Another option I didn’t get to try would be accessing a charging station, which could recharge the battery in about two hours.

Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate - Review

Who Is the Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic For?

The photos on Polaris’ website give a good indication of the target market for the Ranger XP Kinetic. First, this electric ATV targets owners of farms, wooded lots, maple farms, and the like. Secondly, Polaris is also aiming at those with access to an electrical grid or charging stations who drive a maximum of 100 km per ride.

Conclusion: The Future of Electric ATVs

Electric propulsion, regardless of the vehicle type, will always have its detractors. We’re still at the beginning of this technology in the world of ATVs. As I often say, we have to start somewhere. Today, we’re talking about 100 km autonomy. With technological advances, manufacturers may one day offer electric ATVs with a real range exceeding 175 km, or even 200 km.

In such a scenario, which may not be far off, an electric ATV would be a compelling purchase for many enthusiasts. Indeed, the average daily distance covered on a typical ride rarely exceeds 180 km for many riders. If the technology allows it one day, don’t be surprised to see more and more electric ATVs on the trails. We’ll have to remember that Polaris was one of the pioneers with its Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate

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Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate - Review
The author during the test of the Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic Ultimate

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