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Win a CFMOTO LH27i Inverter Generator

Gagne une Génératrice Inverter CFMOTO LH27i

If climate change has taught us one thing, it’s that extreme weather events are now part of our reality. In some cases, these weather events can cause power outages that can last from a few hours to several days. A CFMOTO LH27i Inverter Generator can be a very practical piece of equipment.

With this in mind, the InfoQuad.com team, in collaboration with CFMOTO Canada, is organizing the “Win a CFMOTO LH27i Inverter Generator” contest.

Thus, we will proceed to the draw of a CFMOTO LH27i Generator valued at $1199.99. The link below allows you to learn more about all the CFMOTO generator models.


Gagne une Génératrice Inverter CFMOTO LH27i

To enter, simply visit the contest page and sign up for the InfoQuad.com newsletter. You can also increase your chances of winning by inviting friends to participate.

Win a CFMOTO LH27i Inverter Generator

Please note that this contest is open to Canadian residents only.

Good luck to everyone!

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