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Survey results – What year was your quad produced?

In the last few weeks, close to 2300 people have answered our survey. We asked the question “What year was your quad built?” and a lot of people answered.

Our team wanted to get an idea of the age of the fleet of quads that are on the trails, but also on the forestry roads and others. The response rate was beyond our expectations!

The results also surprised us greatly. Indeed, more than 44% of the quads are less than two years old. 27.1% of the respondents have a current year quad (2022) and 17.5% have a one year old vehicle.

We also note that there would be fewer 2020 quads (5.7%) than in 2018 (6.6%) and 2019 (7.7%). This could be explained by the pandemic. Production shutdowns, dealer closures, and lockdowns seem to have had an impact. However, manufacturers and dealers have recovered greatly afterwards.

Another interesting statistic is that about 75% of quads are less than 7 years old. In normal circumstances, the life expectancy of a quad should, in most cases, reach and exceed 10 years. The question is: “Where are the majority of quads older than 6 years going? Surely they don’t end up on the scrap heap in such large numbers. Yes, certain uses can affect the life of a quad, but this should only affect a small percentage of them… Right?


It will be interesting to see in the next few years if the general public will ride quads a little longer. Indeed, prices have greatly increased over the last 2 or 3 years, so owners might keep their vehicles for one or two more years. We will definitely keep an eye on this.

We invite you to take the survey that is currently on the site (on the right).

We look forward to seeing you on the trails!




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