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2022 Gaspesie Tour – Day 3

After a good night’s rest at the Copper Hotel in Murdochville, our group headed towards Gaspé. A first this year is that we will ride along the coast from Rivière Madeleine on the Trans Québec 30. Indeed, it is the first time that I have the opportunity to ride in this sector.

So we came back on our steps of the day before to join the TQ 30. This segment does not offer any noteworthy views, but it is very pleasant to ride. With the rain that has hardly stopped falling since the day before, the trail is covered with good water holes that I have fun crossing (See the clip on Facebook). I don’t need to tell you that I greatly appreciated the windshield and the wiper system installed on the Commander XT that I’m driving for this trip.

After a little more than a hundred kilometers, we stopped for dinner at the Restaurant La Marée Haute in Grande-Vallée. I must say that this place is worth the detour as much for the quality of the meals as for the welcome.

The second part of the day was highlighted by a few flat tires and also problems of overheating on certain machines. Indeed, the mud was trying to clog the radiators, limiting the efficiency of the engine cooling system. All this put a little spice in this part of the trip. Our guides strongly recommended that we switch to a manual vehicle wash during our stopover in Gaspé.

Apart from these small problems, the trip went smoothly. As for the rain, it stopped at the beginning of the afternoon and we even had a nice evening at our destination. In Gaspé, we have access to several services in town like the Rodeway Inn where we spent the night.

For the fourth day of our Gaspesie tour, our destination will be Percé! The weather will be favourable since we are told that it will be a beautiful sunny day.

Long-Term Reliability of Quads: Issues with Popular Brands

I invite you to read the other daily reports of our beautiful quad trip in Gaspésie!

Other articles about my Tour of the Gaspesie

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