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Survey – What brand of quad do you ride?

We surveyed our readers to find out which quad manufacturers they drive. So, we asked the question, “What brand of quad do you ride?”

We tallied 591 responses from InfoQuad.com readers.

Not surprisingly, the two most popular manufacturers are Can-Am and Polaris with 25.57% and 19.54% respectively. The manufacturer CFMOTO comes in third, which confirms the growing popularity of its vehicles among quad riders. Indeed, we can see the increase of CFMOTO quads in the federated trails for example. Thus, 13.22% of respondents ride a CFMOTO.

In 4th place, we find the manufacturer Yamaha with 11.78%. Recognized for the great reliability and sturdiness of its vehicles, many people opt for them.

Next are Suzuki and Honda with 8.05% and 7.47%. The quads of these manufacturers are sure values and the owners usually keep them for many years. I am surprised that Suzuki seems to be slightly more popular than Honda despite the fact that Suzuki only offers ATVs.

The big surprise in my opinion is that only 5.17% of respondents answered that they ride an Arctic Cat. I would have thought that number would be more like 10%.

Kawasaki (3.78%), Segway (2.3%) and Argo (0.29%) rounded out the list. It is interesting to see that 2.87% of respondents ride quads of other brands than those mentioned above.

Our sampling was done among InfoQuad.com readers. Thus, these results only represent a very small percentage of quad users in Quebec. We must therefore take them with a grain of salt. It gives us a good idea but these results are probably different from the real situation.

We now invite you to take the current survey to find out the year of manufacture of your quad.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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