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2022 Gaspesie Tour – Day 1

After 2 years of waiting, we were finally able to go on our tour of the Gaspé Peninsula. I was very happy to be able to meet again several people with whom I had the chance to do this tour in the past. Indeed, the majority of the participants have done this trip at least once. Moreover, I will make new friends since 5 or 6 people are doing the tour for the first time.

This morning, we left Amqui around 08:30 am. We made a small stop at the Belvédère de la Chute in Philomène. You can’t ride the trails of the ATV Club of Matapedia without stopping at this place. Indeed, the view is unique! Moreover, with all the rain we received in the last few weeks, the waterfall was really impressive!

Afterwards, we took the direction of St-Adelme. It is there that we filled up with gasoline and that we stopped for lunch. In the morning, the weather was beautiful and there were practically no clouds, so it was comfortable to practice quad riding. However, as you can imagine, the dust came in mid-morning. So we kept more space between the quads.

After our lunch, we came across a trail that was closed due to construction. In less than 30 seconds, our valiant guides found a detour of about ten kilometers. The rest of our journey went very well and we arrived at the end of the afternoon in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts where we spent the night.

If our first day was free of adventures, our second day might be different. Indeed, we will pass through an area where we expect to see snow. It is even possible that we will drive in the snow or that we will have to take an alternative route. This could be very interesting! I’ll be back tomorrow with a summary of the second day of our Tour de la Gaspésie 2022.

Other articles about my Tour of the Gaspesie

Finally, a 64″ Maverick X3 With Smart-Shox Suspension 

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