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2022 Gaspesie Tour – Day 2

For this second day of our Gaspesie Tour, we rode from Sainte-Anne-des-Monts to Murdochville passing by Rivière-à-Pierre, Marsouï, Mont-St-Pierre and Mont-Louis.

What made this day so special is that two members of our group joined their destiny. Indeed, we had a wedding with a quad flavor in a decor that has absolutely nothing to envy to the greatest cathedrals in the world.

Indeed, it is on the top of the Mont-Saint-Pierre that the ceremony took place. Our lovebirds exchanged their wishes in front of all the participants of our trip. It was a very unique moment!

Neither dust, nor rain, nor snow stopped us

Among the other highlights of this second day, we were entertained by a variety of weather throughout the day. From the sun in the morning to a steady rain in the middle of the afternoon, we traded the intense dust for our rain gear.

Moreover, the Gaspesie had another surprise in store for us. We encountered large snow patches of a few hundred feet that stood in our way. We crossed them without too much difficulty in order to continue our journey. For me, who loves winter, this day allowed me to have one last contact with the snow. Those who know me well will not be surprised to know that I was smiling broadly at that moment!

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful except for a few flat tires. We arrived in Murdochville in the late afternoon for a well-deserved rest. The second day of our tour of the Gaspesie ended with a good supper. Tomorrow, we will return along the coast and head towards Gaspé.

Other articles about my Tour of the Gaspesie

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