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Kutvek: Graphic kits, much more than a look!

When I started investing more into my ATV, I had a desire for it to show off the fact that I’m a woman in this vast world. Our pieces of equipment are important, and I enjoy adding small feminine touches here and there. I was looking for a way to accomplish all this. Once I went to a few events, I discovered graphic kits such as the ones made by Kutvek.

While doing my research, I found many options but seeing how I didn’t know much about graphic kits, I preferred contacting someone at Eskape.ca who had more in-depth knowledge than me. After many conversations to choose a design that fit my personality, the order was transferred to their supplier Kutvek. Only a few short days later, I received the box with the kit. I was pleasantly surprised by how fast it was to produce my custom wrap. The fabrication of a pre-designed version is about 24-48 hours, if you want a unique and personalized, the delay is around 5 to 7 business days. The delivery time can vary depending on their business traffic.

To be quite honest, I am a person who enjoys sharing products that I love and one who always wants to know more, no matter the subject. This led me to contact Kutvek to see if they would be interested in interviewing me so I can tell their tale and elaborate on the fabrication process.

A very informative interview with Kutvek

I spoke with Julien Welsch. If you do not know him, he was a motorcycle pro stunt rider for many years. A few moments of research online will allow you to view his prowess. He was an official pilot for Triumph for a period of 5 years. That’s not something many people can brag about!

The company was founded in 2006 in Europe and then established in around 2009 in Canada. They started on quads and motocross. Now, they extended their expertise to snowmobiles, motorcycles, SXS, etc! Julien explains that he’s been the president/manager of the Canadian division of Kutvek for 4 years now. When I ask him how he heard about them, I learn that they sponsored him and that a few years ago, they offered him to come to oversee their Canadian branch. He took the trip to Canada with his wife and after one day, he accepted the challenge.

Their Kutvek shop is situated in Saint-Eustache, and they have 7 employees during the winter. This is their busiest period because of snowmobiles of course. Everything is fabricated there from A to Z! They employ 4-5 designers and 1-2 people handle the fabrication.

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But how are they made at Kutvek?

For every machine, they need a template. Each piece has its sticker, it’s a bit overwhelming! I decided not to venture into self-installation as I think I would still be at it as we speak. For someone who’s never seen this, it’s quite impressive. But Julien advises me during our call that it’s not that difficult. All you must do is do a thorough cleaning of the part, then apply the piece of wrap to it, warm it a bit and you’re done. Although, if you want, they offer the installation service at their branch. Between you and I, being quite a perfectionist, I would get it installed again if I was to do it again. Although I have many talents, precision takes me a lot of time.

Kutvek’s templates

Let’s get back to those templates. As I said, they must get them for each machine. Then, the design is chosen by the customers and affixed to the model of the vehicle on the computer. The choices are made with a graphic designer who can assist the clientele with care. Absolutely everything is possible: any colour, drawing, image, etc. The possibilities are endless with Kutvek. To a point that I told the person who was helping me to choose, to do as he was feeling it.

Anyway, you must approve the final design before they print it, meaning if there is a detail you do not like, it can be modified. Julien explains that no matter the project, from the simplest to the most original, they are always very proud to see their graphic kits on the bikes of pilots on the highest steps of competitions whether it be local or around the world.

Once the design is finalized, it is printed on a thick white vinyl (1.8mm) and then coated with glue to protect it, this process is called laminating. The pieces are then cut and there you have it! A nice, customized wrap.

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Is it worth the price?

I won’t venture off into pricing as it can very much vary depending on the model of the vehicles on the market. However, I can say that for mine, yes it was a bit expensive, and you also must consider the cost of installation. Nevertheless, I have zero regrets. For me, it’s as important as a good set of tires. The look was my first reason, my second one was undoubtedly how easy my ATV would be to clean. The kit has a glossy finish and being the huge mud fan that I am, having it on my quad makes the chore easier and quicker. A good pressure washer, quality soap and it does the trick.

During my discussion with M. Welsch from Kutvek, he mentioned other advantages, some that I already knew because of my readings and discussions with other users of graphic kits. First thing is, of course, plastic protection. You know as well as I do, we don’t ride out ATVs too easily. The branches, rocks and everything that is on our paths can damage the esthetic finish. It doesn’t take much time to have scratches or simply discoloration due to sun exposure.

Another advantage I had not thought of is that the wrap being of a suitable thickness reinforces the fibre of the plastic. If you undergo an impact, the kit could keep it from breaking, or if it does crack, the film will keep it together.

Kutvek finished product

Quality/price ratio

Of course, we also talked about the quality/price positioning. Yes, the cost can seem a little high if you compare it to regular stickers with absolutely no durability. However, we aren’t even close if we compare the price with a new paint job or the cost of replacing all the plastics. Concerning the body panels, I questioned him if the withdrawal of the graphic kit can cause damage. He reassures me that it doesn’t although some glue residue can remain on the surface, but that a simple cleaning can remove it.

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More than a look, but let’s be honest, it counts for a lot. We love our machines and with a graphic kit, we can add whatever we want to it. Do you love unicorns and pine trees or do you want to have attractive colours? Well, Kutvek can put any options you can imagine on your wrap. Personally, I enjoy having a unique ATV. I couldn’t go without anymore.

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